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FAQ 常見問題

  • How long is each class? | 每次上課時間多久?
    Each class is 2.5 hours where Pichu will negociate a fixed time for induviduales. 每堂課 2.5 HR,上課時間依老師與學生討論出固定的時間。
  • How much is each class? | 費用怎麼算?
    Tuition is lower than the standard asking rate in Taiwan, but a bit higher than a traditional large cram school as Pichu offers a more customized program. 比個別家教便宜,但較傳統大型補習班稍高一些,因為歐老師提供完善的課輔管理。 Special discounts applied occationally. 不定時有優惠方案喔
  • Who will be teaching? | 誰會擔任授課老師?
    Pichu will be teaching all courses with her many years of experience. 擁有多年教學經驗的歐老師。
  • Is a trial course provided? | 本中心有提供試聽課程嗎?
    Yes. Please make a reservation through one of the listed contact plans via "Courses" Route: Courses --> Trial --> Scroll down to information listings. 有的,請透過 "課程" 尋找預約通路,並提前預約。 路線: 課程 --> 試聽課程 --> 往下滑即可找到聯絡資訊。
  • How is the enviornment? | 教室環境如何?
    Other than most tutors, Pichu provides a classroom with self-designed textbooks, desks, and a quiet enviornment to consentrate. 不同於其他家教,歐老師提供一個完善的教室空間,除了有自己設計的教材外,教室有正規的桌椅及舒適安靜的環境可專心上課。
  • What happens when I miss a class? | 若須請假/缺課,怎麼處理?
    As long as you address your leave in advance, Pichu will rechedule a date to do a makeup class. (Makeup hours are flexable, but aren't allowed to be deducted from the next cycle of tuition.) 只要事先請假都可以補課,依歐老師與學生談定時間補課即可。 (歐老師會讓學生補課,但不接受下期順延)
  • Is there anything special that The Maples offer? | 梅普提供什麼特別的活動嗎?
    Pichu likes to take her students to have fun, go out to meals, or exercise. She enjoys treating them like friends, having them elevate eachother through friendship. 歐老師時不時會帶學生出遊、玩樂、聚餐,運動,希望可以跟學生當成朋友,進而提升學員們的向心力。
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