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2020 年對歐老師來說更是個特別的一年,因為她的第一批學生今年正式進入了各自的專業職場,為自己的未來打拼;成人學生們更是在行行出狀元,升遷、派遣、表揚樣樣來。

喬治 弗里德曼 曾說:「時隔一世,關乎於事;時隔一旬;關乎於人」。為了紀念這個重要里程碑,老師將學園轉型,針對千禧世代族群的需求進行調整,進而研發更客製化的課程學習,為每一位學生打造更專精的內容。「何利外語學園」這個名稱於2019年正式引退塵埃,而尾隨的正是新一代「梅普英日文語言中心」。

Fifteen years ago, Pichu came back to Taiwan with the prospect to nurture the next generation, aiding them to accomplish their youthful dreams and achieve their earnest desires. Within a few years, "Holley Language Academy" was established.

Over the past twelve years, Pichu has helped scalp the futures of many students. Whether it is children or adults, each individual has achieved above and beyond throughout their journey here. Many have even managed lifelong friendships that are still strong and lively today. When studying here, you get more than an education.

2020 is especially special for Pichu as her first generation of talented students has just entered the workforce, working hard to make a name for themselves. Adults that enrolled a few years back have also done well in their area of work. Whether it’s promotions, earning business trips, or getting commended, we are the place that can deliver.

George Friedman once said, “A century is about events. A decade is about people.” In honor of them, Pichu decided to make some innovations that are more for the Millennium. Courses today are customized and carefully designed for each individual so that they can receive the most beneficial outcomes for each class. “Holley Language Academy” is now a part of history, and replacing its glorious era is the new and approved “The Maples English & Japanese Language Center.”


Speaking, listening, reading, and writing are the four key elements of learning a language. Having clear pronunciation and correct grammar are equally as important. Here at the Maples, we eagerly embrace you to engage your language abilities into a proficiency.

Pichu, Founder of "The Maples"


​       教學資歷

  Nationality 國籍

  - Taiwanese 台灣人              

  - Canadian 加拿大人        

  Teaching Experience 教學年資

  - Japan 日本 - 英文 - 2 YRs

  - Canada 加拿大 - 中文 - 2 YRs

  - Taiwan 台灣 - 英日文 - 14 YRs

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